2 comments on "What is fueling my actions today?"

  • Nicholas MARK

    avril 10, 2017 (14:41) Reply

    Hi Jean

    I was passed this by a friend of mine Nina Kramer from Austria. I found it very inspiring and open. I shall be following more.

    One thing struck me – a thing that comes up for me and I am trying to catch. Right at the end of your post you wrote the word ‘little.’ I put ‘little’ into my speaking. Why do I do this? Actually what I do is not ‘little’ – it just is. Your generous, courageous, crazy step of donating album proceeds to a cause and looking for this to inspire others to give is not ‘little’ in my book. It is a step you have chosen to take and it opens the doors for others ‘to follow’ your lead.

    As an Englishman I love my French friends who can embrace grandeur in a way us English can be a little reserved in. Perhaps ‘little’ could be translated to ‘grand’?

    Keep up the great sharing.


    • Jean Chaumont

      mai 4, 2017 (11:43) Reply

      Thanks Nicholas for sharing your thoughts here, I appreciate.

      I guess I described it as a little adventure because I feel like I’m just trying something here, you know it’s my first personal album. I really hope you’re right and other artists will follow, though I’m sure I’m not the first artist to do this.

      So we’ll wait and see if it’s really grand, if there is big river pouring out of it, for now I’d rather stay with the adjective little, as a little stream. 😉

      I’ll try to keep up with posting some thoughts on this new section of the website, thanks for the encouragement!

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